Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Ludwig Wittgenstein

“The problems are solved, not by giving new information, but by arranging what we have known since long.”
― Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations

“Imagine we had to arrange the books of a library.  When we begin the books lie higgledy piggledy on the floor.
Now there would be many ways of sorting them and putting them in their places.  One would be to take the books one by one and put each on the shelf in its right place.
On the other hand we might take up several books from the floor and put them in a row on a shelf, merely in order to indicate that these books ought to go together in this order.
In the course of arranging the library this whole row of books will have to change its place.  But it would be wrong to say that therefore putting them together on a shelf was no step towards the final result.  In this case, in fact, it is pretty obvious that having put together books which belong together was a definite achievement, even though the whole row of them had to be shifted.  But some of the greatest achievements in philosophy could only be compared with taking up some books which seemed to belong together, and putting them on different shelves; nothing more being final about their positions than that they no longer lie side by side.
The onlooker who doesn’t know the difficulty of the task might well think that in such a case that nothing at all has been achieved. – The difficulty in philosophy is to say no more than we know.  E.g., to see that when we have put two books together in their right order we have not thereby put them in their final places.
When we think about the relation of the objects surrounding us to our personal experiences of them, we are sometimes tempted to say that these personal experiences are the material of which reality consists.”
― Ludwig Wittgenstein

Source: http://activephilosophy.wordpress.com/2009/12/20/wittgenstein-on-philosophy/

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